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Get us in your feed Liverpool says: Once again, while Reijnders might be on Liverpool's list somewhere, there are more proven options higher up in terms of priorities. Liverpool needs guarantees this summer, and while both of these players might be very good, someone like Mac Allister would almost certainly require less time to adapt, having already played in the Premier League. United are said to be 'watching' him along with fellow Premier League side Liverpool. In the spirit of the transfer window being open once again, we figured we’d have some fun and look back at some of the more historic transfers to ever occur in the Premier League. Zaha is probably the best player in the Premier League outside the top six. His brief spell at Manchester United as a youngster didn’t work out but he’s been consistently excellent for Palace and the South London club would be devastated to lose him. However, he has less than a year left on his contract so if they’re going to get anything for him, now is the time. Previously Palace wanted $90 million for Zaha, which is understandable given that he’s the focal point of their attack and one of the main reasons they’ve stayed in the Premier League consistently over the last eight seasons.
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